Most recent Overwatch heroes; Junkrat and Roadhog!

It's been a bit quiet in here. If you follow me on any of my social media channels, you'll know that I've been really busy with stitch people projects. Given the time of year, it's not terribly surprising of course..! I'll be writing about that another time, so what else is happening?

Mates from neighbouring countries, today I'm writing to tell you about the latest two Overwatch patterns; Junkrat and Roadhog! I'm also writing to update you about the final [currently remaining] 5 heroes and what I have planned for them.

Junkrat was my final finished hero for 2019 and Roadhog is my first for 2020. Both are up in my shop (and if Etsy is more your style, they're both listed there for $4.95). I know they both -especially Junkrat- have been requested a fair amount so grab them now!

Junkrat Example


He's a relatively complicated pattern but with how much *stuff* he carries, is anyone surprised? He fits great in a 3" hoop when stitched on 18ct Aida and I've done my very best to keep colour count down as low as possible - the pattern requires 19 different DMC colours (some are only a few spots of a colour, but they're definitely required to give the proper finished look).

I was super, super anxious about designing Junkrat, to be honest, just due to the sheer amount of stuff he has on him. So I'm really glad I came up with a design I am really happy about!

Get the "Junkrat" pattern

Roadhog Example


He's the latest in my bigger-sized pieces, fitting comfortably in a 4" hoop (But honestly, if you only had 3" hoops on you, he would fit into one of them. He'd just be a bit cramped just the same as if you did it with Winston) when stitched on 18ct Aida.

I did my best to keep the colour count down -as usual- for Roadhog, but he's so far one of the most colour-hungry hero I've done, requiring 21 different colours.

Of everything with Roadhog, I am so pleased with how his stomach tattoo has come out. Don't you just LOVE that hog head with flames?

Get the "Roadhog" pattern

Don't forget to tag your works in progress or completed pieces on social media using the hashtag #tlkow. I would love to see how you are going or what you've done!

But most of all; I hope you enjoy stitching both Junkrat and Roadhog. ❤️️