Get the Reinhardt Cross-stitch Pattern

The giant German crusader is now available for purchase as a cross-stitch pattern!

Reinhardt was a little tricky for me to wrap my head around designing. Getting his proportions correct as well as trying to stay within my (rather loose, I'll admit) design guidelines was met with some head scratching. However, I am definitely pleased with the final result!

He fits great in a 4" embroidery hoop. He is currently my 3rd character that is on the larger size (most characters are designed to fit in 3" hoops when stitched on 18 count Aida cloth) so he will take a little longer to finish than most of the other heroes I've completed so far.

Reinhardt only uses 11 colours and if you're doing any of the other heroes such as Genji, Winston or Reaper, you'll have the majority of the colours required already.

Reinhardt has quite a bit of fractional stitches but other than that, he is a relatively easy hero to stitch, utilising cross-stitch and backstitch. No french knots or anything like that!

Don't forget to tag your works in progress or completed pieces on social media using the hashtag #tlkow. I would love to see how you are going or what you've done!

But most of all; I hope you just enjoy stitching Reinhardt. ❤️️