Pharah and Sigma - out now!

I did it! Two heroes in [what feels like] record time! Pharah and the new, upcoming tank hero, Sigma!

I've never been that great at playing Pharah (I'm terrible aim while hovering! But at least I figured out how to hover without running out of fuel!) but I love playing alongside one while playing Mercy.
And Sigma? I've tried him on the Beta and I just… don't get him. Although I think he'll be quite popular for tank mains.

These two heroes are definitely on the easier side of complexity with stitching up. Especially Sigma, since he is bald. He has bitchin' eyebrows though, you've gotta admit.

Both heroes fit into a 3" hoop using 18ct (as all my Overwatch heroes are stitched on) very easily. Pharah uses 16 different DMC colours (and it was so nice doing a hero that didn't rely on so much grey!) and Sigma also uses 16 colours.

Don't forget to tag your works in progress or completed pieces on social media using the hashtag #tlkow. I would love to see how you are going or what you've done!

But most of all; I hope you enjoy stitching Pharah and/or Sigma. They have amazing hair and all ❤️️