My WIPs & FOs for October & November in 2022

Last updated: March 3rd , 2023

What things did I work on in October and November?

I didn't write one of these posts at the beginning of November, as I needed to allow myself to focus on stitching all of my Christmas ornaments since compiling and writing these posts takes a lot of time..!

But during the past two months, I've worked on and completed quite a lot of things. So get ready for a big blog post..!

Finished Pieces

Christmas Ornaments

As I mentioned, I've been working on ornaments a tonne pretty much the entirety of both October and November. It's been so great to watch them all slowly evolve and progress. Taking these photos (and videos that I will share elsewhere!) was very cathartic for me, as well.

As you can see, there were two pieces that aren't as "Christmassy" themed as the others. Which was a great, brief break from all of the reds and greens, I'll be honest!

Scroll through this slider and check out all 10 of the ornaments.

Other Pieces

Multiple-Piece Order

I had a lovely customer earlier in this year chat with me about wanting a few pieces completed and she explicitly said her timeline to have them all completed before the end of November.

This order consisted of three separate pieces:

  1. A stitch people portrait,
  2. A house outline ornament, and
  3. A simple piece with initials.

Working out the non-stitch people pieces (regarding what to charge, time to expect for completion, a design concept, etc) was an excellent challenge and honestly? I totally knocked them out of the park.

But the stitch people piece was awesome! After placing the order itself, my customer notified me that she had adopted a second cat (just from excitement!) and I jumped on the opportunity to add it onto the piece for her, on the house, just for being an awesome human being.

  • A small backstitched piece of a house outline with bushes that reads 'Robyn & Jennifer' underneath it.
    Small little house ornament.
  • Three rows of initials in a 5in hoop. It reads from top to bottom: JTG, YG & PG all done in cross-stitches.
    Three initials piece.
  • A stitch people piece depicting two people and two cats with an outline of a snow-tipped mountain in the background.
    And also a stitch people piece to round it all out!
  • Three completed stitches -the three aformentioned pieces- laid out on a burgundy backdrop together.
    The three completed pieces all together.
Rush Portrait

A "rush order" you say, Kate? Yep! I am always open to discussing a quote and mulling over the logistics of completing a piece that has a tight turnaround deadline. And this was one of those..!

I received this order on a Wednesday and completed it the following Monday. It ate into my personal time and family time, which is why I always assess my upcoming days/weeks, talk to my husband about his thoughts and charge a 50% rush fee for orders like this. This was only the second time someone has taken me up on my offer (which is perfectly fine with me) which shows me that they understand the sacrifice I'm willing to make to fulfil their request.

But when all is said and done; I am still amazed and proud I was able to complete a six-character portrait completed in less than one week..! AND it was done on linen..!

  • Early stitching WIP of the rush order. You can see the 10x10 grid drawn on in blue and the word
    WIP: To help me line everything up correctly, I gridded the fabric with lines instead of just dots.
  • An overall photo of the stitch itself roughly at the halfway point of working on it.
    WIP: Roughly halfway through the stitch itself.
  • A macro photograph of a tiny cross-stitch and backstitched bee.
    WIP: A close-up of one of the teensy little bees.
  • A stitch peple piece with two people, three cats and one dog. There is a large
    The entire completed stitch people - I am amazed I was able to complete the entire piece so quickly!

Works in Progress

Although I haven't touched this WIP almost for the entirety of November, I still managed to get a lot done on it before the stitch-along itself ended.

The final chapter was released the Friday before Halloween, so I'm unable to get even more behind, but I just couldn't keep up. I hit a roadblock of exhaustion regarding this piece whilst stitching both chapters six and seven and I took the queue and put it away. In the end, it was for the best because what I did pick up was ornaments.

An angled photo of a section of a large cross-stitch. You can see a skeleton reading an orange book and Dracula reading a green book. They are amongst a spooky staircase.
An angled photo of a section of a large cross-stitch. There is a ghost librarian with a large stack of books, a raven, a dismembered head and a headless body holding its head in its hand.
The entire progress of the Haunted Library stitch-along.
My entire Haunted Library stitch-along current progress!

But the Haunted Library SAL isn't the only thing I worked on over the past 2 months..! Have a look 👇

A work-in-progress of a variegated snowflake stitched on linen cloth
A "just because" piece, of a snowflake designed by Fuzzy Fox Designs.
A work-in-progress of a 'semi-secret' stitch people gift I'm working on, where I've been doing hand embroidered florals on it.
A work-in-progress gift I'm doing where I've been having fun with florals. Order a custom embroidery of your own!
A work-in-progress of a stitch people piece of 5 people and one dog - all the people are in martial arts clothing.
Stitch people piece that I'm almost finished with.
A work-in-progress of one more stitch people gift; this piece has the two visible people facing away from the viewer.
One more stitch people gift that is SO close to being complete..!

New & Upcoming Products

New in the shop

Three new patterns were released over October and November, which is just awesome! And one of them just so happens to be the long-awaited release of my latest sampler: 'The Office'.

This sampler is a design I've worked on for over three years and I was extremely nervous about releasing it. It received a really warm welcome and approval, so I don't know what I was worried about in the end. I cannot wait to see WIPs and FOs of the piece pop up eventually. If you have purchased it/eventually do and you're willing, please tag me in any progress and finished photos of your stitch - I would LOVE to see it!

Upcoming Patterns

I also have a fair few patterns I've been working on (both cross-stitch and embroidery) and thought I might share an upcoming series that I've been fiddling with (and is in the process of being test stitched).

As you can see, two of the three are definitely in the early stages of design but the idea is there and all I've gotta do is just keep tinkering away and eventually, we'll find its final forms.

Let me know what you think so far in the comments below!

A work-in-progress shot of a cross-stitch pattern
"Take Meds" pattern WIP
A work-in-progress shot of a cross-stitch pattern
"Drink Water" pattern WIP
A work-in-progress shot of a cross-stitch pattern
"Move Laundry" pattern WIP


Shopping small is a bit of an addiction, especially when it comes to friends' shops. And the past two months have been no exception.

I didn't go wild, since December is upon us, but I did grab a few bits and bobs. Some things were necessary (linen for my rush order, new needles because I'm prone to snapping them, floss & hoops, etc) but I also got some things because they're… adorable. But useful!

An array of stitching supplies laid out: A tension-based embroidery hoop, a vial of Tulip branded needles, small purple stalk snips and some grey-blue Aida fabric.
An assortment of stitchy-related things from Snuggly Monkey's Etsy shop to help me out.
Kate holding a tiny little wood & resin needleminder that is magnetically holding a needle.
I can't help myself to adorable, tiny needleminders when I see them..!

Notable IRL Things

As you may be able to tell, it's been a crazy-busy October and November for 2022. So there's been a lot going on outside Two Little Kits that I'd also like to share with you!

Foot Surgery

Although at the time of writing this it feels like an age ago, at the very beginning of October I actually underwent a second surgery on my foot as I had serious complications after the first surgery which left me with a re-broken bone and major swelling.

Without going into gory details; I had one of the two screws removed from my foot (the one going horizontally through my toe) and it was replaced with 3 large pins to brace my toe-bone from the inside, which protruded out from my skin.

It was unpleasant and I'm very happy they've now been removed and I am on the mend..!

A selfie of Kate post-surgery doing a thumbs up action with her hand.
A picture of a surgical screw in a sterile packet that is clipped into a little shadowbox frame.

First Snowfall of the Season!

After a really long summer heat, we had our first snowfall quite early this year - just before the change over into December!

My kids loved having two snow days off from school and playing in our winter-wonderland backyard. I just love watching it fall and the silence that falls over the world (since the snow is so sound dampening). It truly is magical to watch fall, though.

We're now getting prepared for more snow in longer periods of time since winter is truly upon us. We, as a family, are still learning what living in a place that is snowy is truly like. It hardly ever snows in Australia and when it does, it barely sticks to the ground!

A magical view of snow on trees, bushes and the ground at nighttime with the moon in the distance.

Social Media

This post is a really good example of my growth for my Instagram account since it's covering two different months..!

I added the figures to the captions, but as you can see my account only grew by 29 followers total. I -of course- gain and lose much more than simply that amount in a single month, but the overall can be easily seen.

Screenshot of Two Little Kits Instagram account on November 1st
Nov 1st stats for Instagram (5,533 followers).
Screenshot of Two Little Kits Instagram account on December 1st
Dec 1st stats for Instagram (5,562 followers).

And that's it!

So I've spent a much longer time having to sit around on my butt, healing than I anticipated I would have to these past two months (thanks to my surgeries). Milo; one of my cats (the one that adores me) has been a good companion to me during that time and now that the weather has dipped, he is loving snuggling to keep warm.

Thanks for reading!

This was a huge update and -as you can tell- took a lot longer for me to compile. But I hope it's been an interesting read!

If you made it this far through the post; thank you! For your time, use the code ON22SAVE until the end of January 2023 on any of my patterns to save some monies!

I kind of hope that my December update won't be as long and… crazy! Since all my ornaments have been sent off, there aren't as many pieces to share. But I'm always surprising myself, so we'll just have to wait and see!

Until next time,

👋 Kate

Milo, the siamese x snowshoe cat looking fancy with his two front legs crossed, eyes mostly closed looking happy and content. He's laying on a colourful quilt.
Milo the kitty has been a good companion while I've been couch-bound.

...during the past two months, I've worked on and completed quite a lot of things. So get ready for a big blog post..!