Cross-stitch Family Portraits

Where and how did I start?

My interest for handmade fibre arts started at a very young age, after watching my mum create numerous beautiful pieces of art. I was fascinated with needlepoint and crochet specifically and got her to show me how to do both.

In the last 4-5 years, I picked both back up and I'm so glad I did. When I picked up an ebook on making people in cross-stitch form back in 2015, with the idea of making a bunch of Christmas presents, I was pretty much hooked again. It was a lot of fun recreating my family and friends in pixel form with a physical medium.

I wanted more of an excuse to continue making these pieces of art.
A sneak peak custom piece that is almost ready to be sent to it's owner!

Here is a sneak peak of the start of my continuing journey into making these adorable, custom, heartfelt pieces. If this is something you might be interested in, I am planning on opening an online store in the very near future where I would love to work with you in making one of these tailor made to your liking.

If you're interested in finding out exactly when I will be taking orders, I encourage you to sign up for my mailing list. It will only be the occasional email so don't worry about me filling your inbox!