Recent Finished Piece - 'Our Family' Stitch People Portrait

Gift Exchange Portrait

The past two years, a small group of other stitch people stitchers and I have done a little gift exchange. I got @houseinstitches and of course, I had to stitch her, her husband and their 4 kids. So this is her adorable, beautiful family!

The whole completed piece in a 6
The lovely family of six

The piece itself

I present to you; the 'our family' portrait! A six-person stitch people cross-stitch & embroidery piece with custom lettering and long grass (that matched the reference photos used).

The parents close up
Dad & Mom close up
Custom designed lettering with heart embellishment
Custom lettering with heart
Close-up of the 4 children
Their sweet kids

If you follow me in Instagram (and have done for a number of months now), this piece might actually feel quite familiar. I used it a fair number of times in regular posts and quite a few reels! This particular one is a personal favourite of mine 😂

What is your favourite part of this completed piece? Write a comment below!

Close-up of a kitty paw on the midst of my photo shoot
My cat sometimes likes to help

The past two years, a small group of other stitch people stitchers and I have done a little gift exchange. I got @houseinstitches and of course, I had to stitch her, her husband and their 4 kids. So this is her adorable, beautiful family!